Shield Essential

From: 699.00 / month

The holistic health program is designed to engage in result-oriented virtual counseling, symptom tracker & coaching on the specific conditions suffered by the elderly. Shield essential combines convenience & clinical expertise.

This program is ideal for people suffering conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Heart failures & patients with Chronic Kidney diseases of early stages.

Regular Nutritional counseling & realigning activities based on the changing health needs brings a remarkable improvement in the known conditions & avoids further complications.
The program is offered across India.

The program offers:-

  • Detailed initial assessment.
  • Personalized Goal Setting
  • Regular Disease management Counselling
  • Clinical Nutrition Counselling
  • Health Summary on APP
  • Periodical virtual engagement activities
  • Health alerts to children via dashboard
  • Specialist Online consultations*

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