Best of care, close to home
We owe success in our lives to our parents. As they age it is our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of our parents, just as they took care of us during our childhood.
As we progress in life, we assume more responsibilities, Which may take away the joys of parental care. Eldricare brings the best of both worlds, technology & compassion. Eldricare, with a proven platform brings a seamless holistic elder care service that keeps the parents engaged and relatives informed. Proactive care & compassion forms the core of Eldricare’s care philosophy.
Holistic care model
With our multi-disciplinary care team, the care model revolves around the member with mutually agreeable goals & needs identified in advance. We are here to assist them in every step of this journey, be it a casual conversation or a health-related query, we are here to assist them.

Outcome driven
The motto of our program is Disease management & improving the overall quality of life. Personalized health goals are set to improve clinical outcomes which will reduce the cost of healthcare expenses. mental wellness plays a key role in overall health; hence, we keep the elder engaged with various activities. This helps us in managing of a known condition and to discover any new symptoms.
Our outcomes can be viewed in the mobile app & web-based member portal.

Healthcare 360°
We are fully prepared to handle the individual needs with customized services such as:
Home laboratory sample collection
Periodical vitals assessment at home
Home nursing
Physio at home
Hospitalization management
Ambulatory services
Post discharge care

Routine multi-disciplinary follow up & counseling

Doorstap delivery of lab & medicines

Care at home, whenever needed

Periodic online consults with specialists

Periodic updates actions to children

Hospitalization management at times of need

Comprehensive yet affordable packages

Safety & privacy
Our platform is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) certified to privacy of our members. Privacy is strictly maintained conforming to patient privacy policies.
The care coordinators are carefully selected after all the background checks. The staffs is trained to handle members empathetic.